She was in a pen with one other dog. She was the calmer of the two, afraid to come up to us. And when she did, the other attention hungry puppy, who was bigger than she was, pounced up behind her to get closer to us. What a meanie. A little girl and her mom came to take the other tan pup out. So it was just Heidi, the white parson(jack russel) terrier, left behind. I liked her immediately. She was definitely NOT your hyper active jack. Which was sad. She was probably scared, tail and ears down low. There were at least 25 other dogs of all sizes in pens a few feet away, and even I was a bit scared by the loud echoing barks, uncomfortable florescent lights, and strong odor (pew!). A few other folks came by cooed at how cute she was and read through her paper work. "oh no you don't, she's coming home with me!' I wanted to see the other dogs, but I didn't want anyone else to have her! So as those people were reading up on her, John and I grabbed a leash and took her out! Boo ya! She was very well behaved, not once did we hear her bark, she didn't even pull on the leash, but allowed us to walk first and she followed closely behind. (something I was not used to since we know how little Ralphie commands the leash!). She was small, 13ish pounds, quiet, and very calm. Perfect apartment dog! We'll take her! 30 minutes, $25, and a signature on the dotted line later, she became ours :)