Thursday, April 8, 2010

So I totally lost it and yelled at the medical student today. HAHAH.. I even surprised myself. But you know, sometimes, when you see something wrong, that just keeps happening and the person keeps getting away with it, you do something. I'm not even in charge of her. But she was not doing the medical assistant right. She's been here for over 3 weeks. When you're a student, act like one. Be overly eager to learn. Ask if there's something you can help with. Come to clinic on time. Don't leave early. Leave your cell phone, cigarettes, cheetos, jelly beans, magazines somewhere else, not the front desk. Okay so Ashely (the medical assistant) and I don't follow all of those rules ourselves..shh, but we're not students. After our little discussion, she straightened up today. Let's see how it goes tomorrow. It's pretty funny because I don't think either of them expected that from me. Ashely later told me she called the other medical assistant to tell her what happened. And Jackie asked "Amy?! Amy An did what?!" *sigh* sometimes I wish people didn't see me as the nice one.


puffycakes said...

dude - i so want to hear about this.

amy said...

Me too! When she's not around Ashley and I complain about all the annoying things she does. But today, oh today, she's been sooo helpful, jumping up to do things, answering phones.. and she and I are still cool (although I still don't like her much!)