I tell people all the time how horrible John's diet is. And I tell him that too. So when Christine joked about how I should document his eating habits, I took it seriously and thought it would be a great idea. John surprisingly thought it would be fun too. So here is what John ate for dinner for the past month. It's not all bad.... and sorry, some of the numbers are out of place and I actually missed some dinners when we went out to eat, which would have been pictures of burgers and steak. one of these should be Day 3 probably one of the healthiest thing he's eaten. Not a very good dinner though. he wasn't feeling too great that night
We had a surprise staff meeting last week about budget. I know we've been hurting for money and they've done everything they can, but last week it got to the point where letting staff go was the only solution. Imagine sitting in this meeting knowing you were the last clinician hired. I was the newbie, haven't even been here for a year yet. And as they say, "last one hired, first on fired!". Ah! Was today going to be my last day working here? I wonder if the other place would hire me again? Luckily I looked around and noticed some faces missing. Then as the boss continued to say "those who were let go have already been notified." A sigh of relief. I still have a job. Not only that, I was one of the few who would still be working 40 hour work weeks. Many people stayed on staff but had their hours cut. I guess they kept me on because being the 'newbie' I'm probably the cheap labor :) and I'm flexible. With that, I now work in 3 different clinics with 2 clinics an hour apart from each other. This actually works out quite nicely since John and I can carpool twice a week and it's nice to work with different people in different places.
Stupid economic decline. This was the closest personal encounter I've had with it. It's real alright. and scary