I tell people all the time how horrible John's diet is. And I tell him that too. So when Christine joked about how I should document his eating habits, I took it seriously and thought it would be a great idea. John surprisingly thought it would be fun too. So here is what John ate for dinner for the past month. It's not all bad.... and sorry, some of the numbers are out of place and I actually missed some dinners when we went out to eat, which would have been pictures of burgers and steak. one of these should be Day 3 probably one of the healthiest thing he's eaten. Not a very good dinner though. he wasn't feeling too great that night
OMFG!!! I had a mini heart-attack just looking through those pictures! All meat, eggs, and pizza! No greens at all! I feel bad if I go one day without any greens! Now you need to compare that side-by-side with your meals!
OMG!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! How does he go to the bathroom?? I think he had pizza for like a week straight! I like his "game sustains me" dinner.LOL...
So basically, to be skinny like John, your diet should consist of pizza, McDonalds/Burger King, Hamburger Helper, and Com and trung!
You don't eat that do you? I will have to show mommy.
yeah you should show her. and No I do NOT eat like that. Once in a while I'll eat pizza with him. But I always add some veggies.
"games sustain me" entry and..pizza every other day, that Banquet baked thing, eggs and rice...
i literally said OMG OMG for every other day..
day 7 and day 8 is hilarious too.
althought, those dark things...are those sausages? they are so black!!
i love the handwritten day notes and how you used an envelope for one :)
OMFG!!! I had a mini heart-attack just looking through those pictures! All meat, eggs, and pizza! No greens at all! I feel bad if I go one day without any greens! Now you need to compare that side-by-side with your meals!
i must repeat, i love the "games sustain me"
on the other hand..
i saw the same colors = very unhealthy
As a health admin/public health major, I am obligated to advise a change in diet so you don't die!
HAHAHAHH this is hilarious. except, i'm worried for john...i think we need to do an intervention. lol.
And, I love phi's comment hahahah.
HAHAHAHAA. All I see is com, eggs, and Pizza!!!! Like the others said, how does he go to the bathroom? This post is too funny.
I see nothing wrong with this.
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