Saturday, May 28, 2011

Family Cao visit

I showed John's parents his 30 day diet. They didn't seem as amused as I thought they would. They asked me if I ate the same way. "Nope". Moments later she questioned why I didn't cook things for him to eat : / . Thinking to myself "I'm not his mother." Trying to defend myself: "We'll grill chicken and burgers, or steak. Or sometimes I'll make pasta and he'll eat it. But usually it's hard to cook two separate meals for two people. We end up having so much extra food. And John doesn't like eating left overs. Plus he doesn't want me to cook things for him because he knows he won't eat it." On a side note, we had our friends, John and Linda, over for dinner. We were joking about how my John doesn't eat corn. Leading to the fact that he won't eat pretty much any vegetable. I asked mommy Cao if he ever ate veggies even as a kid. She said no. Then Linda half laughing asked, "Sau khong bi dong?!" (excuse any miss spellings). Oh, what to do, what to do.

1 comment:

Phi said...

hahah aww. well force him to eat his veggies or else threaten him with no games and no dog love!!! haha just kidding. hope the rest of the weekend will be fun :)