Next stop: Target. The OK Animal Shelter was holding a "Kitten Shower" asking the public to come and bring gifts and donations for their new kittens. During the Spring/Summer months the shelter can take in as many as 220 kittens A DAY. That's a lot of kittens. Since John and I can't adopt, we decided we would donate. We stocked up on kitty litter, kitty food, puppy food, and toys to bring to the shelter. The shelter blocked off a room for the "shower" and even had cupcakes, snacks, and games. Just like a real shower. And of course teeny tiny little kittens in cages and on people's laps. I hope some of those cuties found permanent homes.

I wanted to stay longer to take a tour of the shelter, but we had a lunch planned with John, Linda, and our friend, JR (the guy that finished the ridiculous Pho bowl challenge.) Fulfilled my craving for Vietnamese food with com tam bi suong. Mmmmm.
The day ended with the same group of lunch friends at our house watching the Heat vs. Celtics game. Most of the time we were out in the back yard, the Johns drinking some fancy whiskey and smoking cigars like they were big shots. I love our back yard. Breezy, open, and private. We sat and chit-chated about nothing important, all the while with the pups around our feet.
Sunday. Woke up and went to Church. I've been trying really hard to make it to Church every Sunday since I know it would have made my Dad happy. Its tough to go alone. But I usually feel good and refreshed afterwards. Then it was off to the mall! We haven't gone shopping in a while and since I've got 2 weddings coming up I looked for shoes. Nine West had a buy one get one half off sale, and I bought my first pair of pink shoes!
John got himself an autograph framed photo of Kevin Durant. So we both came home happy. The evening was spent grocery shopping, eating leftovers for dinner while watching the crappy finale of House (I never really liked that show that much anyway), then took the dogs out for a walk at 8:00pm. So nice that the sun is still out that late. We always try to do something with the dogs during the weekend since they're cooped up all week. Now home, and ready for bed at 10:00pm :)
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