Sunday, April 3, 2011

Year of the Dragon

John's mom has been trying to get a hold of me for the past 3 days. She usually calls while I'm at work and it's from a number that I don't recognize. She never leaves a message, so I don't call the number back. Who would? So I come home on Friday and John asks me how come I don't call his mom back. Oh sh*t. What is it now. Usually she calls John and if she needs anything she'll ask to talk to me then, or just ask John to ask me. What's so important that she called me for 3 days and didn't tell John to just ask me to call her? "John, am I in trouble?" Of course he had no idea why. John's mom is nice. But she can be intense. Scary, loud, Asian Mom kind of intense.

So I call her. The first thing she accuses me of is ignoring her calls! "No, no I didn't recognize the number you called me from!" Okay, she eases up and asks me how my family is doing. She knows Nancy is in Europe for 2 months (for which from the tone of her voice I could tell is something she doesn't approve of) and how Sandy is living in DC for now. Then asks me what my sisters were doing for money... as far as jobs and future thingys go. I never liked when she made such a big deal about money. I told her I was happy for my sisters and that they were both smart girls and I had no worries. "mmm, ok". She's always asking me about my job too, which is thoughtful until she starts asking things like "how much do you make?" and "do you get raises" "what about bonus?" uuugggghhhh. Doesn't just do this to me, oh no. John too. She's been telling John to change jobs because he should be making more money. It's a great job, with great people, with the opportunity to grow. But nope, the best jobs are the ones where you make MONEY. :( okay, so I wasn't planning on writing about all that b/c that's not why she called. It still frustrating though. She called because it was gonna be the Year of the Dragon....

"A good year to have a baby" AH! Apparently Bich and Chau are gonna try for a baby this summer. It would be a good idea for me and John too since 1. Bich and Chau are gonna have a baby, 2. It will be the Year of the Dragon, and 3. she has the need to remind me about how old John and I are. I'm thinking 5 or 6 years before starting any type of a family. But I'll be so close to 35 (and oh dear, that's just too old to have babies) so I fudge and tell her we'll try in 2-3 years. Great. First my mom, now the mom in law. John doesn't want kids yet either. Whew. I know a few girls my age here in OK who are soooo ready to have a baby. They almost obsess over it. Nuh-uh. Not me. We don't have any desire now for any baby. I do hope we're ready in a few years. We do want kids. The longer we can wait, the better. I just hope that desire doesn't come when I'm 40.


Rebel VN said...

oh no...all the parents are bored because all the kids are growing up. Well if Bich and Chau have a baby, they will be too distracted by that one to notice :)

Phi said...

oh dear. this post sort of made me irritated lol

Phi said...

the money part i us when we say we know what we are doing and if we don't, we can figure it out. 1st gen kids

amy said...

agreed.. to both of you!

puffycakes said...

I guessed what that post was about right when I read the title Year of the Dragon and that john's mom kept calling instantly!!!!! lol.

hey if you're not going to have kids till late, then we can have babies the same time!!! :)

Amanda said...

I've noticed that ppl are always going to pester you about your life no matter what stage you're at. When you're single, ppl are asking why you're single and trying to set u up with ppl. When you're dating someone, ppl question how serious your relationship is and when you're gonna get married. When you get married, ppl start wondering when you're gonna have babies.